Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Death's a beautiful thing

            As I lay there, fading into the nothingness of death, I remember the past year. It started out simple, I wondered “Why me? Why now? I’m so young! This isn’t fair!” and I wasted the first few weeks of the year I had left thinking this. Than I realized that, things happen and there is nothing you can do about it and that I should live my life and spend the time to enjoy what little time I have left. I decided to continue working and also going to school, but also take more time off to spend with my family and friends, I spent every other weekend of the summer camping and hiking with my father taking pictures of the many things I loved. During the week I would see my friends, mother and brothers as much as I possibly could. We would do things such as have bonfires and go to the beach and spend us much time in the sun having laughs together, taking pictures and experiencing everything we possible could before I left. As my health began to fade and I had to spend more time at home resting but I didn’t give up on the things I loved, my friends would come over and we would play video games such as Call of Duty or other fun games or activities and just laugh for ages. My parents began to come together so they could both spend time with me since I had such a short time left. We began having family picnics and such to celebrate our lives together. I began going through the many pictures I took at the beginning and went through all the feelings I felt and began gathering them into a book and setting them up as they happened. The more I fell into the blackness of death the harder it was to spend time with my family and friends, I did eventually leave my job and school because I just couldn’t do it anymore and I spent more and more time asleep in bed but the one thing I did thrive on was to complete my book. Every chance I took I would go take more pictures about my life, and I did this until the week before I was due to die. Shortly after the last picture I took about my life before it was to end, I was admitted into the hospital wing where people were left to die. As I entered that picture into my book, I recall all the wonderful things that have happened in life and how great of a life I had. The last year of my life was probably the best year ever, and I felt overwhelmed by all the things that had took place. Shortly after I entered the last picture into my last year of my life book, I passed on. The last picture was probably one of the best pictures in the book, it was my family and my friends standing by the hospital smiling the day before my death, and there was me the day before my death, and I knew it was the day before my death, just smiling away like all the worries of life and death had just vanished. For the first moment and the last moment in my life I was truly happy. That night feeling truly happy and feeling no pain as I heard my parents sobs through the fog I knew that I was gone.

By: Rebecca Allies

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