Tuesday, October 11, 2011


1. What are three main points in this article? Support each point with a properly integrated quote
In "Public Display Of Disaffection" by Anne Kingston with Alex Ballingall they discuss the important fact that cellphones can be good but the evil out ways anything positive. The three main points are people use them instead of having real conversations, they use them in inappropriate situations and they can cause harm to people in many ways. Many people will be sitting in the same room as another individual but be too preoccupied with their cellphone to pay much attention. This could be shown as a huge problem because “we’re losing our one-on-one people skills and ability to engage in uninterrupted, focused conversations.”. This also allows what we are saying to one person be easily spread to another within seconds which increases the rumour mill immensely. The worst use of cell phones is in inappropriate places such as funerals or major events. Not only does it distract others with the glow of the screen it also is incredibly rude and selfish. Many people don't find it rude at all even when it is something like a funeral. Before "tweeting from a funeral, for instance, once would have been viewed as sacrilegious, yet the Twitter feed from Jack Layton’s state funeral was regarded as a connective bond". That is just unbelievable. The biggest danger from cell phone users is it increases bullying and can cause accidents. More people have more guts when its no longer face to face so more people are willing to send a threatening text message, so it has the ability to "turn[] formerly nice, sensitive, creative types into assholes,” within seconds. Probably the biggest problem is young drivers, it causes a distraction which can not only hurt others but also the driver. The police are trying to crack down the whip on people who are using there phone while driving but "one woman [was] so preoccupied with her cell she didn’t even notice the sirens flagging her down ", so how are you able to focus on the dangers on the road if you cant even hear a siren behind you. This article is valid in its arguments against cellphones.
2. Agree or disagree with each of his points. Please back up your ideas with specific examples.
I agree with the authors points. One of the main reasons I agree is because the fact that working at a movie theatre you have to deal with many of these problems and it truly is. Many people become uptight when you ask them to shut their phones off because it is rude. Most people don't feel the need to shut off their phones because they are under the unrealistic idea that its not bothering other people but its does.

3. When are times when you believe that cell phones are acceptable? How about  Unacceptable? Should schools, movie theatres and other public places consider bans or cell phone jammers like Europe?
Cellphones are acceptable in places like the park or home or on breaks and what not but they have to be used properly, in some cases having them is convenient and if you are in danger or something happens they are there to call for help but many people misuse them. Places that is should not be used is in movie theatres, restaurants, while standing in line or having important conversations with other people. I believe cellphone blockers aren't the best thing because if you need to use your phone in a emergency and its blocked that can cause more dangerous situations, but people should understand when it is appropriate to use their cellphone and when it is not, people need to show restraint.

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