Wednesday, February 23, 2011

55 word short stories

Zombie Attack
Knocking, growling
Fear invades me
Moaning, shuffling
Is it what I think it could be?
The smell, like decaying flesh invades my space
I know for sure now
I’m prepared
My sledge hammer under my bed
At the door prepared
The door opens I hesitate
Guess who’s there,
Hello Grandfather
Why are you holding that?

No Brain
Talks uncontrollably
Laughs uncontrollably
The living reason why always being on a cell phone is bad
It’s like her brain has seeped through her ears
Take her as an example
Learn from her mistakes
Pay attention in class
Or expect to loose your mind from lack of use
And loose your concept on reality forever

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Saving my Life

Rebecca Allies
#101 477 Heales Avenue
, B.C.
V2A 1G5

February 10, 2011
Captain Van Camp
HMS Princess Margaret

O Captain, My Captain:
In this letter you have asked us to plead our case to stay alive. I will not be doing that. In this letter I will be explaining that many other people in this group deserve to live much more than I do myself. Many people have spent their lives helping others by; I have done no such thing. I have spent my life working for self enjoyment, and not helping others with their issues or any other kind of charity. When people ask me on the street to help them out for food or other needs to sustain life I laugh in their face and kick them when they are down. Also I find many of the other students are more deserving in life then myself, they have friends, families and pets and I do not due to my natural rudeness. Therefore I believe that myself, and Luke Richards do not deserve to live due to the fact that we are both terrible people in our societies.

Rebecca Allies

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

John F. Kennedy Assassination

It was a cold November day that I stood into the crowd just waiting, waiting for the event that very well might have changed my whole existence. As the people bumped into me I felt the pressure and the anxiety of the crowd push through my very thoughts, everyone was waiting. It seemed that the crowd noise increased. I wondered what the populace was so excited about. I pondered this thought as I looked down at my watch and saw it was and I connected to why the crowd had increased there level of noise. John F. Kennedy was being driven down the street in a dazzling blue 1961 Lincoln Continental convertible that gleamed in the sunshine. As they descended down the road, I made the decision to try and find a better view of Kennedy and moved towards the grassy knoll. As I approached the knoll I had realized how far Kennedy had proceeded down the street. As I went to perch myself on top of a fence to get a better view, I looked down the hill and saw a suspicious looking man just sitting with a very large case lying beside him. As I became more curious on what he had inside his case I decided to move closer, but before I jumped off the fence i took a last glance at Kennedy, he wasn’t very far away from the spot that I was currently in and only a bit farther from the man who had the strange case beside him. Than as I saw the man reach into his case and pull out something I never expected, a gun. As I saw him set up and begin to ready himself to pull the trigger I reacted almost immediately. I shot towards him prepared to do anything I could to stop him. With one kick jump and a good kick to the spleen he dropped the gun to the ground. I swatted it away and watched as Kennedy safely. No one saw my heroic actions, but at that point it didn’t matter. I would always remember the day that I saved John F. Kennedy's life.