Thursday, February 10, 2011

Saving my Life

Rebecca Allies
#101 477 Heales Avenue
, B.C.
V2A 1G5

February 10, 2011
Captain Van Camp
HMS Princess Margaret

O Captain, My Captain:
In this letter you have asked us to plead our case to stay alive. I will not be doing that. In this letter I will be explaining that many other people in this group deserve to live much more than I do myself. Many people have spent their lives helping others by; I have done no such thing. I have spent my life working for self enjoyment, and not helping others with their issues or any other kind of charity. When people ask me on the street to help them out for food or other needs to sustain life I laugh in their face and kick them when they are down. Also I find many of the other students are more deserving in life then myself, they have friends, families and pets and I do not due to my natural rudeness. Therefore I believe that myself, and Luke Richards do not deserve to live due to the fact that we are both terrible people in our societies.

Rebecca Allies

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