Thursday, May 5, 2011

The Afterlife

Death is a thing feared by most, but some people embrace it as a new beginning. The Buddhists, the Jewish and the Gnostic's all believe in a new start, and a chance for redemption.
            Buddhists are very peaceful people, they believe in rebirth. They don't believe in being forever separated from the world, like Christianity and Hinduism. They believe that there are 6 different places of rebirth. Naraka; being, which is the thought of being re birthed into a hell like place. Preta; which is the thought of sharing the world with both humans and spiritual beings. Animals; even though fully shared with humans, it is thought to be another life form of humans. Human Beings. Asauras; which is the realm of demons, angels and anti-gods. The final place of rebirth is Devas; this is thought to be a place for gods, angels and other spirits. Buddhists also believe in the infinite heaven only possible by being a skilled Buddhist follower. There is no damned soul, only a chance of a new beginning.
            Judaism is a firm believer in resurrection. There are two places much like heaven and hell in Judaism. They are called Sheol and the Garden of Edan. Sheol is the place for a people who have done wrong during they're period on earth, it is a place for them to heal they're souls from they're wrong doing. The Garden of Edan is Judaism version of heaven, the difference is that no matter what your religion you are welcome if you have done well in your lifetime on earth. Jewish people also believe that as one man dies, so does a animal and the other way around, it’s all a big cycle. The Jewish also don't believe in total damnation for most, only those who have done wrongs that are way beyond normal, the only exception to this is if a non-Jewish person does something unforgivably wrong they don't get sent to either places, they don't exist in any part of the cycle.
            Gnostic's also believe in resurrection. Gnostic's have come to believe that the body is evil and the escaping from the shell if escaping from all your sins. They view resurrection as a spiritual enlightenment, a possibility for a new journey. This is different from Judaism because there does not seem to be one place where you go too to start your new beginning it is all formed from the resurrection itself leading to spiritual findings towards your new life.
My personal beliefs are in rebirth. I believe there is no heaven or hell but a simple state of in-between lives to see your mistakes in a previous life and go through all the mistakes made in previous lives and to make changes for the better. Death is not a scary thing, it is a thing to embrace as it is embracing a chance for a new beginning. It is not something I think about all the time, and it is not one hundred percent based on a religion more on personal beliefs. When it comes it’s a new journey in life.

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