Monday, May 30, 2011

Moral Dilemma

123 Main Street
Happyville, British Columbia
V2A 3T1

May 30, 2011

City Hall
666 Elm Street
Happyville, British Columbia
V2A 3Y2

The case against Gunter Grass should be abolished. Even if he was truly involved in the holocaust I firmly believe that all the good he has done for this village has been his repayment towards society. He has repaid his debt to society in many different ways. From 1962 to 1998 he was the villages mayor and helped out many people during this time. He also employs many of the villagers, who are all getting paid a good amount. He has spent a incredible amount of money on charities throughout the years, and has help many individual families throughout the years to make ends meet. Many of the families that he helped out would have become homeless or hungry without his assistance. He is also a 92 year old man, with not much time left, so there would be no point in punishing him because of his age and how many people since the Holocaust that he has helped. This all leads to the fact that the evidence against Gunter Grass should be destroyed.

This man has obviously made up for the wrong doings during the Holocaust through his many actions for this village. Also what is the purpose of causing the village this much shame and pain. This man has been our mayor for over 36 years, that would effect the village drastically. Also the impact on Gunter Grass, a 92 year old man, would be unpredictable. There is no point in wasting the money on putting this situation through a court case when Gunter Grass is most likely only a few years away from death. Finally the Holocaust survivors shouldn't be put through all the pain of reopening the case of the Holocaust over a man who is sure to die. This is why I firmly believe that Gunter Grass should not be prosecuted for this wrong he committed many years ago because he has made it right through his actions after the Holocaust.

Rebecca Allies

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