Wednesday, November 16, 2011

The Book Thief

My personal connection from "The Book Thief" By Markus Zusak is to the war. One of my favorite artists made a song called "The Ghost Of You" by My Chemical Romance, which in the music video is based in the war, it is very moving and can pretty much bring tears to many peoples eyes. This shows many different aspects of the war, like the constant loss of loved ones and the heart break to go along with it. The lines "And all the things that you never ever told me
And all the smiles that are ever gonna haunt me" is an example of this. It is an example of the things many soldiers went through during the wars loosing their friends and family's to the enemy. The emotions that the band expressed throughout this video and song are touching and very poetic. It connects to "The Book Thief" in a very strong emotional way because throughout Liesel looses many of her loved ones due to war and is very impacted by the experience but has to keep going because she cant "lie and and wait forever".

I never said I'd lie and and wait forever
If I died we'd be together
I can't always just forget her
But she could try

At the end of the world or the last thing I see
You are never coming home 
Never coming home
Could I? 
Should I?
And all the things that you never ever told me
And all the smiles that are ever ever 

Get the feeling that you're never
All alone and I remember now
At the top of my lungs in my arms she dies
She dies

At the end of the world
Or the last thing I see
You are never coming home 
Never coming home
Could I? 
Should I?
And all the things that you never ever told me
And all the smiles that are ever gonna haunt me

Never coming home 
Never coming home
Could I? 
Should I?
And all the wounds that are ever gonna scar me
For all the ghosts that are never gonna catch me

If I fall
If I fall


At the end of the world
Or the last thing I see
You are never coming home
Never coming home
never coming home
Never coming home
And all the things that you never ever told me
And all the smiles that are ever gonna haunt me
Never coming home
Never coming home
Could I?
Should I?
And all the wounds that are ever gonna scar me
For all the ghosts that are never gonna

Tuesday, October 11, 2011


1. What are three main points in this article? Support each point with a properly integrated quote
In "Public Display Of Disaffection" by Anne Kingston with Alex Ballingall they discuss the important fact that cellphones can be good but the evil out ways anything positive. The three main points are people use them instead of having real conversations, they use them in inappropriate situations and they can cause harm to people in many ways. Many people will be sitting in the same room as another individual but be too preoccupied with their cellphone to pay much attention. This could be shown as a huge problem because “we’re losing our one-on-one people skills and ability to engage in uninterrupted, focused conversations.”. This also allows what we are saying to one person be easily spread to another within seconds which increases the rumour mill immensely. The worst use of cell phones is in inappropriate places such as funerals or major events. Not only does it distract others with the glow of the screen it also is incredibly rude and selfish. Many people don't find it rude at all even when it is something like a funeral. Before "tweeting from a funeral, for instance, once would have been viewed as sacrilegious, yet the Twitter feed from Jack Layton’s state funeral was regarded as a connective bond". That is just unbelievable. The biggest danger from cell phone users is it increases bullying and can cause accidents. More people have more guts when its no longer face to face so more people are willing to send a threatening text message, so it has the ability to "turn[] formerly nice, sensitive, creative types into assholes,” within seconds. Probably the biggest problem is young drivers, it causes a distraction which can not only hurt others but also the driver. The police are trying to crack down the whip on people who are using there phone while driving but "one woman [was] so preoccupied with her cell she didn’t even notice the sirens flagging her down ", so how are you able to focus on the dangers on the road if you cant even hear a siren behind you. This article is valid in its arguments against cellphones.
2. Agree or disagree with each of his points. Please back up your ideas with specific examples.
I agree with the authors points. One of the main reasons I agree is because the fact that working at a movie theatre you have to deal with many of these problems and it truly is. Many people become uptight when you ask them to shut their phones off because it is rude. Most people don't feel the need to shut off their phones because they are under the unrealistic idea that its not bothering other people but its does.

3. When are times when you believe that cell phones are acceptable? How about  Unacceptable? Should schools, movie theatres and other public places consider bans or cell phone jammers like Europe?
Cellphones are acceptable in places like the park or home or on breaks and what not but they have to be used properly, in some cases having them is convenient and if you are in danger or something happens they are there to call for help but many people misuse them. Places that is should not be used is in movie theatres, restaurants, while standing in line or having important conversations with other people. I believe cellphone blockers aren't the best thing because if you need to use your phone in a emergency and its blocked that can cause more dangerous situations, but people should understand when it is appropriate to use their cellphone and when it is not, people need to show restraint.

Friday, September 9, 2011

Intense Senses

If you could solve many issues in the world with a simple increase in the senses you already posses would you? I believe that the best super power to have is superhuman senses. I think that this is the best super power to have because unlike the other ones you can use this for every need you may have. The ability to see, smell, taste and hear more than a normal human would be the most useful power ever. Say if a fire had started somewhere obscured, like forest fires do, having the ability to see or smell the fire before anyone else would have known about it and being able to prevent it from destroying more of the forest and destroying many houses as it gets worst. Also being able to hear more than usual would be helpful in many situations. Say someone was being robbed and they were screaming for help but were in an unusual spot where no one could hear them, if you could hear them you would be able to help in the situation and reduce the chance of someone getting hurt. Being able to taste better than any human would also bring light to how many different things are in our "food" due to how much it is processed, it would also lower the chance of being able to get food poisoning because you could taste whatever is wrong with the food. Due to the dangers surrounding our world today having increased senses could help situations as they happen, it could also prevent things from happening. If there was a lead that there would be another terrorist attack but no proof you could go to where ever they were planning to meet and be close enough by to be able to hear there conversations, but far enough away to be undetected, giving the government enough information to prevent the unthinkable. Having improved senses would be the best superpower to have.  

Rebecca Allies

Monday, June 13, 2011


The Murder of King Duncan, Macbeth is the new king!

During the night at Macbeth's castle, Macbeth starts planning the murder of King Duncan. On his way to do the deed he runs into Banquo and his son. After this short visit Macbeth has a hallucination of a dagger that brought him towards the Kings chamber to do his deed. After the job is done Macbeth hears a voice that proclaims that "Sleep no more, Macbeth does murder sleep" This paranoids Macbeth

After the deed is done Macbeth and Lady Macbeth meet outside the chamber. Macbeth asks Lady Macbeth if she heard any scream or claim of murder. She claims that she heard not a sound of the murder and realizes even though the plan was that Macbeth would place the daggers and blood on the guards he failed to do so and this angered Lady Macbeth. Lady Macbeth placed the daggers and the blood on the guards after Macbeth was too frightened to do so they left to clean up before morning.

Early the next morning Macduff discovers that the King is murdered, he comes out in a panic and tells all of them to "Awake! Awake! Ring the alarum-bell murder and treason!". This awakens Lady Macbeth and being as innocent of the act as she can be she faints. Because of the blood and the daggers planted on the guards it is believed that they have done this terrible thing. Macbeth claims that "[His] fury, that [he] did kill them". Both of the kings sons flea for their safety, they believe that they could possibly be the next targets of the assault. Due to the fleeing of the kings sons Macbeth, who is next in line to be king after Malcom, is then crowned the new king of Scotland.

Monday, May 30, 2011

Moral Dilemma

123 Main Street
Happyville, British Columbia
V2A 3T1

May 30, 2011

City Hall
666 Elm Street
Happyville, British Columbia
V2A 3Y2

The case against Gunter Grass should be abolished. Even if he was truly involved in the holocaust I firmly believe that all the good he has done for this village has been his repayment towards society. He has repaid his debt to society in many different ways. From 1962 to 1998 he was the villages mayor and helped out many people during this time. He also employs many of the villagers, who are all getting paid a good amount. He has spent a incredible amount of money on charities throughout the years, and has help many individual families throughout the years to make ends meet. Many of the families that he helped out would have become homeless or hungry without his assistance. He is also a 92 year old man, with not much time left, so there would be no point in punishing him because of his age and how many people since the Holocaust that he has helped. This all leads to the fact that the evidence against Gunter Grass should be destroyed.

This man has obviously made up for the wrong doings during the Holocaust through his many actions for this village. Also what is the purpose of causing the village this much shame and pain. This man has been our mayor for over 36 years, that would effect the village drastically. Also the impact on Gunter Grass, a 92 year old man, would be unpredictable. There is no point in wasting the money on putting this situation through a court case when Gunter Grass is most likely only a few years away from death. Finally the Holocaust survivors shouldn't be put through all the pain of reopening the case of the Holocaust over a man who is sure to die. This is why I firmly believe that Gunter Grass should not be prosecuted for this wrong he committed many years ago because he has made it right through his actions after the Holocaust.

Rebecca Allies

Thursday, May 5, 2011

The Afterlife

Death is a thing feared by most, but some people embrace it as a new beginning. The Buddhists, the Jewish and the Gnostic's all believe in a new start, and a chance for redemption.
            Buddhists are very peaceful people, they believe in rebirth. They don't believe in being forever separated from the world, like Christianity and Hinduism. They believe that there are 6 different places of rebirth. Naraka; being, which is the thought of being re birthed into a hell like place. Preta; which is the thought of sharing the world with both humans and spiritual beings. Animals; even though fully shared with humans, it is thought to be another life form of humans. Human Beings. Asauras; which is the realm of demons, angels and anti-gods. The final place of rebirth is Devas; this is thought to be a place for gods, angels and other spirits. Buddhists also believe in the infinite heaven only possible by being a skilled Buddhist follower. There is no damned soul, only a chance of a new beginning.
            Judaism is a firm believer in resurrection. There are two places much like heaven and hell in Judaism. They are called Sheol and the Garden of Edan. Sheol is the place for a people who have done wrong during they're period on earth, it is a place for them to heal they're souls from they're wrong doing. The Garden of Edan is Judaism version of heaven, the difference is that no matter what your religion you are welcome if you have done well in your lifetime on earth. Jewish people also believe that as one man dies, so does a animal and the other way around, it’s all a big cycle. The Jewish also don't believe in total damnation for most, only those who have done wrongs that are way beyond normal, the only exception to this is if a non-Jewish person does something unforgivably wrong they don't get sent to either places, they don't exist in any part of the cycle.
            Gnostic's also believe in resurrection. Gnostic's have come to believe that the body is evil and the escaping from the shell if escaping from all your sins. They view resurrection as a spiritual enlightenment, a possibility for a new journey. This is different from Judaism because there does not seem to be one place where you go too to start your new beginning it is all formed from the resurrection itself leading to spiritual findings towards your new life.
My personal beliefs are in rebirth. I believe there is no heaven or hell but a simple state of in-between lives to see your mistakes in a previous life and go through all the mistakes made in previous lives and to make changes for the better. Death is not a scary thing, it is a thing to embrace as it is embracing a chance for a new beginning. It is not something I think about all the time, and it is not one hundred percent based on a religion more on personal beliefs. When it comes it’s a new journey in life.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Tuesdays With Morrie--

Our society influences our everyday activities. In "Tuesdays with Morrie" by Mitch Albom, Morrie discusses the idea of changing our society for the better by creating our own, and by not following what we don’t believe it. Some of the many influences society has is what’s 'cool' or not, it tells us how we should dress, how we should look, how much money we should have, Morrie is stating that our dependency on materials is unrealistic and that we should focus much more of our time with our friends and love ones. Morrie also points out that many people are more unhappy than he is, even when he's dying, this is because most of the stereotypical looks out there are so far off, and so unnatural due to things such as airbrush and Photoshop that it is next to impossible to fit into these categories. Another common problem that our society suffers from is the need to be rich. Because of this need to have all our materials it causes our society to work like crazy and find jobs that pay the best, but this means giving away our core values in life and doing anything that pays the biggest buck. This is proof that what Morrie says is valid. We thrive for things that we think could make us happy but we throw away our own happiness in the process.

Rebecca Allies

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Death's a beautiful thing

            As I lay there, fading into the nothingness of death, I remember the past year. It started out simple, I wondered “Why me? Why now? I’m so young! This isn’t fair!” and I wasted the first few weeks of the year I had left thinking this. Than I realized that, things happen and there is nothing you can do about it and that I should live my life and spend the time to enjoy what little time I have left. I decided to continue working and also going to school, but also take more time off to spend with my family and friends, I spent every other weekend of the summer camping and hiking with my father taking pictures of the many things I loved. During the week I would see my friends, mother and brothers as much as I possibly could. We would do things such as have bonfires and go to the beach and spend us much time in the sun having laughs together, taking pictures and experiencing everything we possible could before I left. As my health began to fade and I had to spend more time at home resting but I didn’t give up on the things I loved, my friends would come over and we would play video games such as Call of Duty or other fun games or activities and just laugh for ages. My parents began to come together so they could both spend time with me since I had such a short time left. We began having family picnics and such to celebrate our lives together. I began going through the many pictures I took at the beginning and went through all the feelings I felt and began gathering them into a book and setting them up as they happened. The more I fell into the blackness of death the harder it was to spend time with my family and friends, I did eventually leave my job and school because I just couldn’t do it anymore and I spent more and more time asleep in bed but the one thing I did thrive on was to complete my book. Every chance I took I would go take more pictures about my life, and I did this until the week before I was due to die. Shortly after the last picture I took about my life before it was to end, I was admitted into the hospital wing where people were left to die. As I entered that picture into my book, I recall all the wonderful things that have happened in life and how great of a life I had. The last year of my life was probably the best year ever, and I felt overwhelmed by all the things that had took place. Shortly after I entered the last picture into my last year of my life book, I passed on. The last picture was probably one of the best pictures in the book, it was my family and my friends standing by the hospital smiling the day before my death, and there was me the day before my death, and I knew it was the day before my death, just smiling away like all the worries of life and death had just vanished. For the first moment and the last moment in my life I was truly happy. That night feeling truly happy and feeling no pain as I heard my parents sobs through the fog I knew that I was gone.

By: Rebecca Allies

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Song poetry analisis

The Season By The Spill Canvas

My eyes are glazed over.
And shouting out dreams.

Of hopes and aspirations.
And the glistening dream.

It's like winning the day.
In a glorious, glorious way.
And the colors they fall from the trees. (Imagery)
I hear the shuffling, the shuffling of your feet.

Let the satellites show you some kind of way home and I'm kicking up dirt behind you.
Let the satellites show you some kind of way home and I'm kicking up dirt behind you.

And your house smells like autumn. (Simile)
It feels like home to me.
And I miss you like October and the leaves are falling free, they're falling free.

It's like...
It's like winning the day in a glorious, glorious way.
And the colors, they fall from the trees.
I hear the shuffling, the shuffling of your feet.

Let the satellites show you some kind of way home and I'm kicking up dirt behind you.
Let the staellites show you some kind of way home and I'm kicking up dirt behind you.

Yellow, orange, and red leaves up to my knees as we lay dead still in the back yard and your hair falls under me.
I raise my hand to your cheeks and I can feel my heart skip a beat.
I raise my hand to your cheeks and I can feel my heart skip a beat.
Skip a beat.

And we are so young.
And we are so young and foolish.
And we are so young.
We are so young and foolish.

I'm right behind you.
I'm right behind you.
I am right behind you.
I'm right behind you. 

Wednesday, March 9, 2011


Conversation One:
            “Good Morning” Mr. Davidson stated to his wife.
            Mrs. Davidson snapped back, “What’s so good
            about it?”
“Well I don’t know,” Mr. Davidson replied puzzled, “It’s only seven in the morning”
“And yet, everything can already be going wrong!”
“What exactly went wrong” asked Mr. Davidson frustrated at her negativity
“I woke up late, the dog ate my socks, and this coffee is disgusting!” Mrs. Davidson shouted in Mr. Davidson’s face.
“Okay!” Mr. Davidson shouted “That’s enough!”
Mrs. Davidson replied, “I was just stating there is nothing good about this morning”
“And now I’ll rethink saying good morning to you in the future”

Conversation Two:
“Daddy I have a question” Josh asked
His father replied “And what’s that Josh?”
“Well,” Josh said quietly, “I was wondering if I could get a puppy”
“Are you sure you’re ready for a puppy Josh?”
“Yes Daddy! I know I’m ready!” explained Josh, energetically
“Well,” Josh’s father replied, “If you feel ready than we will just have to discuss it with your mother”
Josh shrieked with excitement “Really! Thank you so much daddy!”
“Your welcome son”

Conversation Three:
“How could you do that!” yelled Audrey
James answered desperately “I didn’t mean to forget but you know how I am when the games on!”
“You missed our rehearsal dinner! The game doesn’t excuse anything!”
“I’m so sorry!” James replied pathetically “Please forgive me! I really meant to be there”
“You missed your chance last night, how can I expect you to show up to our wedding if you can’t even bother to be at our rehearsal dinner!” Audrey shouted in his face.
James replied, starting to get mad, “It’s no big
 deal! Why can’t you just let it go!”
“Because,” Audrey replied “It’s a big deal to me, but apparently it doesn’t matter to you!”
“No, that’s not it at all please Audrey forgive me!”

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

55 word short stories

Zombie Attack
Knocking, growling
Fear invades me
Moaning, shuffling
Is it what I think it could be?
The smell, like decaying flesh invades my space
I know for sure now
I’m prepared
My sledge hammer under my bed
At the door prepared
The door opens I hesitate
Guess who’s there,
Hello Grandfather
Why are you holding that?

No Brain
Talks uncontrollably
Laughs uncontrollably
The living reason why always being on a cell phone is bad
It’s like her brain has seeped through her ears
Take her as an example
Learn from her mistakes
Pay attention in class
Or expect to loose your mind from lack of use
And loose your concept on reality forever

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Saving my Life

Rebecca Allies
#101 477 Heales Avenue
, B.C.
V2A 1G5

February 10, 2011
Captain Van Camp
HMS Princess Margaret

O Captain, My Captain:
In this letter you have asked us to plead our case to stay alive. I will not be doing that. In this letter I will be explaining that many other people in this group deserve to live much more than I do myself. Many people have spent their lives helping others by; I have done no such thing. I have spent my life working for self enjoyment, and not helping others with their issues or any other kind of charity. When people ask me on the street to help them out for food or other needs to sustain life I laugh in their face and kick them when they are down. Also I find many of the other students are more deserving in life then myself, they have friends, families and pets and I do not due to my natural rudeness. Therefore I believe that myself, and Luke Richards do not deserve to live due to the fact that we are both terrible people in our societies.

Rebecca Allies

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

John F. Kennedy Assassination

It was a cold November day that I stood into the crowd just waiting, waiting for the event that very well might have changed my whole existence. As the people bumped into me I felt the pressure and the anxiety of the crowd push through my very thoughts, everyone was waiting. It seemed that the crowd noise increased. I wondered what the populace was so excited about. I pondered this thought as I looked down at my watch and saw it was and I connected to why the crowd had increased there level of noise. John F. Kennedy was being driven down the street in a dazzling blue 1961 Lincoln Continental convertible that gleamed in the sunshine. As they descended down the road, I made the decision to try and find a better view of Kennedy and moved towards the grassy knoll. As I approached the knoll I had realized how far Kennedy had proceeded down the street. As I went to perch myself on top of a fence to get a better view, I looked down the hill and saw a suspicious looking man just sitting with a very large case lying beside him. As I became more curious on what he had inside his case I decided to move closer, but before I jumped off the fence i took a last glance at Kennedy, he wasn’t very far away from the spot that I was currently in and only a bit farther from the man who had the strange case beside him. Than as I saw the man reach into his case and pull out something I never expected, a gun. As I saw him set up and begin to ready himself to pull the trigger I reacted almost immediately. I shot towards him prepared to do anything I could to stop him. With one kick jump and a good kick to the spleen he dropped the gun to the ground. I swatted it away and watched as Kennedy safely. No one saw my heroic actions, but at that point it didn’t matter. I would always remember the day that I saved John F. Kennedy's life.